Womens plus-size long swim shorts

Swim shorts are not only attractive, they are also very versatile. They can be used for swimming, of course, but they can also be worn as shorts. Either way, they cover more of your thighs than traditional swimwear would. Black seems to be a very popular color for this type of garment, but along with plain designs, there are also plenty available with some adornment such as stripes and other patterns.

Here’s an example – I like the black and teal combination:
womens plus size long swim shorts
Womens plus size long swim shorts pictured: Women’s Plus Size Chlorine Proof Shorts for Swim or Gym by HydroChic

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Red plaid golf pants

In golf, there is a tradition of wearing loud clothing: bright colors and bold patterns that you would never wear anywhere else, somehow are perfectly fine on the course. This is especially true of pants, and the preferred style is plaid. Perhaps the idea is to stand out against the grass background, or maybe it is a tribute to the Scottish origins of the game. Either way, red plaid certainly fits the bill.

Here’s a nice example – but only nice for the golf course I think:
red plaid golf pants-2
Red plaid golf pants pictured: IZOD Golf Flat Front Fancy Plaid Mens Pants 34W x 30L Baked apple red

Cool protein shaker

Some protein shakers have become high-tech now, with ergonomic shapes, spill-proof lids and balls that help blend your drinks so that they are lump-free. Some people may find that these are overly fancy and complicated, and that a simple plastic bottle – like a used water bottle – should do just fine. The truth is probably somewhere in between, but there are some features of these fancy bottles that are actually quite useful.

I love the colors of these:
cool protein shaker
Cool protein shaker pictured: BlenderBottle Sport Mixer 20oz & 28oz by Sundesa in pink and blue